Mamlaka ya Mapato kwa kushirikiana na Taasisi zinazosimamia na kuendesha Mradi wa ujenzi wa mfumo wa Single Window (TeSWS) inawajulisha kuanza matumizi ya TeSWS kwa mawakala wa Forodha 200 kuanzia siku ya Jumatano tarehe 22 Novemba 2023 kwenye vituo vya JNIA na Bandari Dar es salaam (TZDL na TZDA).

Mawakala walio kwenye orodha hii wahakikishe wamepata ‘User Access rights’ ili kuepuka usumbufu unaoweza kutokea.

Kwa mawasiliano zaidi wapige simu za usaidizi Forodha (0677050523, 0677050529 na 0677050534)

The Revenue Authority in collaboration with the Institutions that manage and run the Single Window System (TeSWS) construction project informs them to start using TeSWS for 200 Customs agents starting on Wednesday 22 November 2023 at the JNIA stations and Dar es Salaam Port (TZDL) and TZDA).

The agents on this list should ensure they have ‘User Access rights’ to avoid any inconvenience.

For more information, call the Customs helpline(0677050523, 0677050529 na 0677050534)

Download the List Here | Pakua Orodha Hapa

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